What are NCOA and CASS Processing?
NCOA stands for National Change of Address, and is a database maintained by the USPS of all the companies and individuals who completed a Change of Address in the previous 4 years. It is used to help you qualify for lower postage options in a presorted mailing. To run an NCOA, you would simply send us your mailing list along with a PAF (Processing Acknowledgement Form). We would then send the USPS your list, after which we would receive a report back with the changes and the updated list. NCOA provides a great opportunity for you to keep your list current and thus your deliverability rates higher, and is required by the USPS for presorted mailings.
CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) is a USPS certification system for address validation. It adds 4 digits after a ZIP code to make it a ZIP+4 code and standardizes addresses. It is required for barcoded mail, which can save on postage costs in bulk mailings.